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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Expansion of Medicaid in Indiana

Currently, Indiana is having a big (or maybe not so big) debate on the expansion of Medicaid and if Indiana should go through with it. This of course being a state that is predominantly Republican, it is unlikely that they will agree to take such actions. Currently, the state of Indiana runs a program called the Healthy Indiana Plan. If Republicans were to agree on any form of expansion, it would most likely be on this. This would be a mistake. The Healthy Indiana Plan, although seemingly smart, is a failed program in the state that does not help many people. Let me explain what all HIP is. It is more or less a health savings fund that low-income people pay into each month. The program typically takes 2%-5% of the money they make and that money is put into an account in order to pay for doctor's visits and some medications. That seems nice and all, but this is a lot of money to ask from someone if they need that for groceries. Second, the Healthy Indiana Plan does not cover emergency room visits, maternity care, some medications, and even some doctors/hospitals. Also, if you happen to miss a payment for the month, you will be removed from the program and you lose the money that you've been paying into that account. That isn't even the worst part. The worst part is the amount of people that are on the "waiting list" and/or turned down from receiving benefits of the Healthy Indiana Plan. With over 30,000 on the waiting list and untold numbers turn down, the underfunded medical system that Indiana aims to use is not doing well for the people that are in desperate need of medical attention. Indiana has one of the largest uninsured/low income populations in the country with over half a million people uninsured and our leaders are not doing much to fix it.

There are many reasons to expand Medicaid for the state of Indiana. One being the reason I just listed that many people in this state do not receive much help from their leaders and are left to fend for themselves. Two, a law in Indiana states that nobody can be turned down at the emergency room so many homeless and low income people are simply going to the emergency room for very basic things causing health care to be more expensive in the area since their bill will typically be written off. Three, the state would receive billions in funding to help get the program started and taxes would not increase for several years for taxpayers. Four, thousands of new jobs would be brought to the state where most people who graduate from school move away because it is too hard for them to find work here. Five, by providing health insurance/coverage to those who can't afford to go through private companies would mean a competitive market thus reducing health care premiums for people in the state. So even if taxes would eventually go up it would not make a significant difference on the fact that health care for the state would be significantly cheaper.

Many people in the state of Indiana believe that Medicaid would just be taken advantage of and it wouldn't help anyone, but the system would provide health care for half a million people who don't have it otherwise. It is important that the state pushes this initiative forward and I hope this article sheds some light on those who are thinking about it or if you were simply curious and wanted some information. If you would like to help push the initiative forward contact your local representative at 1-800-382-9842

For more information on Medicaid/HIP check these websites:



Here is a link to letters that Lafayette Urban Ministry (the people I currently work for) that were sent to the governor urging the expansion of medicaid in Indiana http://lumserve.wordpress.com/2013/06/17/letter-to-governor-urging-the-approval-of-medicaid-expansion-1-of-3/

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